


1     Online structural state assessment and prognosis for aerospace composite structures using a multi-damage indices identification approach 司靓(一作及通讯),王珂,李宗峰等  

2     A vari-stiffness nonlinear isolator with magnetic effectsTheoretical modeling and experimental verification       Bo Yan, Hongye Ma, Chenxue Zhao, Chuanyu Wu, Ke Wang, Pengfei Wang.

3     Tuning of natural frequency with electromagnetic shunt mass. Smart Materials and Structures Wenguang Zheng1, Bo Yan, Hongye Ma, Rongyang Wang, Jiangming Jia,Lu Zhang and Chuanyu Wu  "

4     Accuracy modeling and analysis for a lock-or-release mechanism of the Chinese Space Station Microgravity Platform Zhang Lu et al.   

5     Online condition diagnosis for a two-stage gearbox machinery of an aerospace      王珂、司靓(通讯作者)、李宗峰等    

6     Electromagnetic energy harvesters for vibration control of space Rack: Modeling, optimization and analysis, Bo Yan, Shengxi Zhou, Chenxue Zhao, Ke Wang, Chuanyu Wu 

7     Development of the Varying Gravity Rack (VGR) for the Chinese Space Station   S.K.Wang, K.Wang, Y.L.Zhou, B.Yan, X.Li, Y.Zhang, W.B.Wu, A.P.Wang  

8     Design and Analysis of the Elastic-Beam Delaying Mechanism in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Device 王辅辅,张璐,乔志宏     

9     Image feature extraction based on HOG and its application to fault diagnosis for rotating machinery   Jiayu Chen, Dong Zhou, Yang Wang, Hongyong Fu and Mingfang Wang            

10.   P.P. Liu, L.W. Xue, W. Hua, L.P. Yu, H.F. Zhao, K. Wang, F.J. Xue, Y.M. Jia, Q. Zhan, F.R. Wan, Mechanical compression behaviors of single phase Be and binary Be12Ti pebbles, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2019,Vol. 144, 202-208.

11.   H.F. Zhao, etc. Plastic Collapse Behaviors of Tubulars with Recess Patterns - Application in Hollow Carrier Perforating Guns, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3, 011004, 2017.

12.   A.Y. Hao, H.F. Zhao, and J. Chen , Kenaf/polypropylene nonwoven composites: The influence of manufacturing conditions on mechanical, thermal,and acoustical performance, Journal of Composites B, Vol 54, 44-51, 2013.

13.   A.Y. Hao, H.F. Zhao, W. Jiang, L. Yuan and J. Chen, Mechanical Properties of Kenaf/Polypropylene Nonwoven Composites, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Vol. 20(4),959-966,2012.

14.   H.F. Zhao, D. E. Makarov and G.J.Rodin. The resistance curve for subcritical cracks near the threshold, International Journal of Fracture, Vol.167, 147-155, 2011.

15.   F. Song, H.F. Zhao, G.K. Hu. Explicit cross-link relations between effective elastic modulus and thermal conductivity for fiber composites, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 51, 353-359, 2012.

16.   H.F. Zhao, G.K. Hu ,T.J. Lu. Cross-property relations for two-phase planar composites, Computational Materials Science, Vol.35, 408-415, 2006.

17.   H.F. Zhao, G.K. Hu ,T.J. Lu. Correlation between the elastic modulus and conductivity of two dimensional isotropic two phase composites, International Journal of Fracture, Vol.126, L11-L18, 2004.

18.   赵海峰,胡更开. 平面应力状态下复合材料弹性等效性质分析,北京理工大学学报, Vol.21, No.5, 546-552, 2001.

19. WANG A.P. , “A quadrilateral membrane hybrid stress element with drilling degrees of freedom”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28(5): 367-1373,  2012 SCI



1.     H.F. Zhao, etc., Simulation of mouse brain tissue under controlled coritical impact, ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition) 2018, IMECE2018-88790, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 9-15,2018.

2.     H.F. Zhao, etc., Quench Polish Quench (QPQ) coating behavior under dynamic loads, ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition) 2017, IMECE2017-70151, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9,2017.

3.     H.F. Zhao, etc., Plastic collapse behaviors of tubulars with recess patterns, ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition) 2015, Nov 13-19, Houston, TX, 2015.

4.     A.Y. Hao, L. Yuan, H.F. Zhao, W. Jiang, J.Y. Chen. Notch effects on the Fatigue Behavior of  Kenaf/Polypropylene Nonwoven Composites, ASME-IMECE 2012 November 9-15; Houston, TX 2012.

5.     A.Y. Hao, H.F. Zhao, W. Jiang and J. Chen , Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Nonwoven Composites as Automotive Interior Material: Mechanical, Thermal, and Acoustical Performance, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Proceedings of SAMPE 2012, May 21-24, 2012, Baltimore, MD.

6.     H.F. Zhao and G.J. Rodin. Multiscale Modeling of Random Lattices: Critical Issues on Continuum Approximation, Proceedings of ASME IMECE, 2011, Denver, Colorado

7.     H.F. Zhao and G.J. Rodin. On Extension of Boundary Algebraic Equations to Irregular Lattices, Proceedings of ASME IMECE, 2011, Denver, Colorado

8. 王安平,含一个无外力圆柱面带转动的三维杂交应力元,力学学报,46(1): 105-1132014EI

9.     赵海峰,胡更开. 二维微裂纹体有效性质之间的关联研究,力学与实践, Vol.26, No.5, 40-43, 2004.

10    A Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning and Assistant Decision-Making Method forAutonomous Vehicle 管洪飞    

11    A Marx High-Voltage Pulse Source Based on the Series-Parallel Connections of Avalanche Transistors  管洪飞、张璐、吕宏宇、王亦风、郭林      

12    Unbalance loads compensation with STATCOM Based on PR controller and notch filter    Zhihao Zhang, Yanmin Liu, Hongfei Guan

13    Finite Element Analysis of Space Science Experimental Equipment Based on HyperMesh and Nastran    Huang Sinian Wang Anping   

14    Application Scenarrios based on SDN An Overview Tong Li, Jinqiang Chen, Hongyong Fu     

15    Hand Detection and Location Based on Improved SSD for Space Human-Robot Interaction    Zhang Lu et al.     

16    Discontinuous precipitation of nano-Al3Sc particles in Al-Sc alloy and its effect on mechanical property       Weigui Zhang, Yanmiao Wu, Hongyu Lu, Guanqing Lao, Ke Wang, Yicong Ye, Peijie Li    

17    SIMULATION OF MOUSE BRAIN TISSUE UNDER CONTROLLED CORITICAL IMPACT  Haifeng Zhao, Changxin Lai, Ke Wang, Suhao Qiu, Tianyao Wang, Wenheng Jiang, Jun Liu, Xiangdong Li, Jianfeng Zeng and Yuan Feng 

18    A Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Multi - scale Entropy for Centrifugal Pump 王洋,伏洪勇,王珂,武文博,于得权      

19    Reliability Prediction of High Power Laser Diodes for Space Application Considering the Effect of Temperature Drift       武文博,于得权,王洋,伏洪勇,王珂

20    Optimization of fault monitoring method based on acceleration sensor      于得权,武文博,伏洪勇,王洋,王珂      

21    Review of the research of Free-flying Vehicle in Space Station      张琛、李宗峰     

22    Research on Variable Stiffness Actuator of Compliance Robot Joint      Xia-gang LIU,Yu-wang LIU, Lu ZHANG,and Qiang CHENG      




1     具有浪涌抑制及保护功能的供电电路及供电方法    管洪飞等

2     一种在线维修装调空间实验柜的可移动维修平台    王辅辅、张璐、王珂

3     一种推拉固定机构       王辅辅、王珂、张璐

4     一种载人航天器舱内智能灭火机器人      李宗峰、张琛

5     一种用于空间主动隔振系统的自动锁紧解锁装置    周妍林

6     氦气和压力检测联合并行检漏多个独立设备的系统和方法    郭栋才

7     一种液体回路循环泵驱动器       吕宏宇

8     一种泡沫碳/石蜡类相变复合材料及其封装方法  盛强、张靖驰、任维佳、童铁峰




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